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Contractor Guides

Contractor Insurance Checklist: Are you meeting your contractual obligations?

Whether you’re a veteran contractor or a newbie, whether you’re in IT or engineering, you’ve almost certainly discovered by now…

Contractor Guides

Contractor Insurance Checklist: Does your policy include Employers’ Liability cover?

At Kingsbridge, all of our contractor insurance policies include Employers’ Liability insurance cover as standard, but this is not the…

Contractor Guides

Kingsbridge SME Insurance

Did you know that, by the start of 2014, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills estimated that 99.3% of…

Contractor Guides

Contractor Insurance Checklist: Are you really covered?

The Contractor Insurance Checklist is our new blog series that will act as your guide to everything contractor insurance. Not…

Contractor Guides

Is there a gender divide in contracting?

The number of independent professionals – be they contractors or freelancers – is certainly on the rise in recent years,…

Contractor Guides

Public liability and professional indemnity insurance: what`s the difference?

At Kingsbridge, we regularly get asked what the difference is between public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. A lot…

Contractor Guides

Why do I need Legal Expenses insurance?

The idea of Legal Expenses cover may seem a bit scary, especially if you are just starting out as a…

Contractor Guides

The Insurance Act 2015: What it means for you

The Insurance Act 2015 came into effect on 12th August 2016, meaning there will be some changes to taking out…

Contractor Guides

How to look after your financial records as a contractor

Whether you set yourself up as a Limited Company or as a Sole Trader, looking after your financial records is…

Contractor Guides

Brexit: The Contractor`s View

In or out? Remain or leave? The question is a simple one, but rarely has there been such fevered debate…

Contractor Guides

What`s the difference between “any one claim” and “in the aggregate” cover?

At Kingsbridge, we’ve recently made some changes for the better to give contractors even more comprehensive insurance cover. Previously, our…

Contractor Guides

Contractor Contracts: Risks for Recruitment Companies

It used to be the case that once you’d found the right person for a position then your duty as…

Contractor Guides

Common Questions Answered

At Kingsbridge, we often get asked certain questions time and time again. We don’t mind of course – that’s why…

Contractor Guides

Kingsbridge: business guide to public liability insurance

When someone gets injured in the workplace or has their property damaged, they naturally want to know who’s to blame.…

Contractor Guides

Why Do Contractors Need Insurance?

One of the most common questions we get asked at Kingsbridge Contractor Insurance is ‘Why do I need insurance?’ Let…

Contractor Guides

Everything You Need To Know About Professional Indemnity Insurance

As a contractor, you’ll find that clients and agencies will often insist that you hold adequate insurance before you undertake…

Contractor Guides

Myths of Contractor Insurance

The world of contractor insurance can sometimes be a little confusing to navigate. Everywhere you look there are people telling…

Contractor Guides

How Do Contractors Benefit From Running A Limited Company?

We get a lot of questions here at Kingsbridge HQ about the pros and cons that come with running your…

Contractor Guides

Which business insurance do I need as a contractor?

We know it can be a minefield for contractors when it comes to purchasing the right insurance cover to protect…

Contractor Guides

A guide to insurance speak ? All the terms every contractor needs to know

Contractor insurance comes with a lot of related jargon and we understand that it’s easy to become bogged down in…

Contractor Guides

Cameron`s cabinet reshuffle: key ministers for contractors

Much ink has been spilled, including by us here at Kingsbridge HQ, about the all new single-party Tory government that…

Contractor Guides

Contractors: How to Handle Non-Compete Clauses

Our friends at Lexoo have put together a great piece on non-compete clauses and how best to deal with them.…

Contractor Guides

Getting accredited: the benefits of professional memberships

Trust is a remarkable thing, especially in the world of contracting. If a client trusts you and the quality of…

Contractor Guides

Health and Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry

It’s no secret that the petroleum industry is exposed to certain, very specific risks. If you’re a freelancer in the…

Contractor Guides

Tax and the modern freelancer

You’ve established yourself as a freelance contractor; you’ve networked, you’ve set up your home office, and you’ve completed your first…

Contractor Guides

Books And Magazines For Contractors

What do you read? Fiction, history, biographies? I doubt many of us would have “Business Guides” or “Self Improvement” titles…

Contractor Guides

Marketing For Contractors On A Limited Budget

We know that marketing for contractors can be tough if you’re trying to pull together interest on your own. This…

Contractor Guides

August Contractor News Round Up

Your monthly round-up of August’s top contractor news. Small and Medium enterprise interest in freelancers is growing. The appeal of…

Contractor Guides

How Can Contractors Avoid Late Payment?

You probably know the feeling. You have a meeting with a client; learn their work goals, complete the work and…

Contractor Guides

Clients You Should Avoid As A Contractor

As a contractor you probably want to jump at every work opportunity that comes your way, though realistically you should probably…